Just over 2 months to go, including the Summer holidays, until Blue Lagoon Triathlon 2023.
When days are longer, sleep is deeper, training sessions unrestricted by work hours and recovery calories plentiful.
What better goal to keep your inner sloth in check than a race, with your lover or friends on Valentines weekend?

Nicol Muller, Embark coach, is a tri fan of epic proportions. She's raced for years over all distances, her dad is as mad about the sport and serves it voluntarily, her long term boyfriend is a triathlete and she is a qualified ref and professional tri coach. Nicol attends every tri as ref, coach or athlete. Here's her perspective on the event that turns 5 this year:
"By far the most epic weekend to start the triathlon year on! And always exciting to see what weird and wonderful outfit Paul has decided to pull out the closet for the weekend!
For me and my team, we do not miss it, EVER! It also falls on my birthday weekend and could not think of a better way to spend it - triathlon and friends.
With 2 triathlon distances, Olympic and sprint, as well as various swim distances on the Sunday - there is something for the whole family!
And to top it off - get the kids involved an early age by entering them into the splash and dash - it’s truly an event for the whole family and it is one big factor to why we support it year after year.
We use this weekend as a training weekend for a few bigger triathlons in the following months and next year specifically as a tester for Ironman PE just 3 weeks after, albeit a completely different ball game.
The swim meandering through the jetty’s is something completely different and unique and is actually a fun way to spot your buddies along the way, not many swims offer this sort of setting as it is mostly always point to point swimming, never crossing swimmers going in the opposite direction.
The cycle is relatively flat and you can really get some good TT time in however, watch out for the wind, it can be a game changer so as always be ready for anything.
The run, my personal favourite. Where to begin. 2 loops or 4 loops, each loop going up the infamous “windpomp” hill and if you can get up relatively in tact you can make the most of the downhill recovery onto the pier. This is where you either spot your very close rivals, high 5 your team mates, make sure you’re smiling because there is ALWAYS a photographer there waiting OR all of the above. A mixture of different surfaces, twists and turns, makes for an exciting run.
As a coach, I use Blue Lagoon Triathlon as the perfect starter triathlon or any of my beginner triathletes, it is fun, festive and the inclusiveness of everyone really makes newbies feel welcome in the sport. This is of course a HUGE necessity to keep them in for (hopefully) life.
The after party is out of this world and boasts a special treat at the end for those that make it that far. Not to be missed - see you in 2023."
The only thing Nic modestly left off is that she's never missed a kaalgat mile podium. Yup she's pure class